No  one in this world have more time in this business than us so our vast expertise allow us to be the only one international source (Intl. Warehouse 1) ships via priority mail service with 100% success rate.. due to our special packaging method..


In 1999 I was a young guy outside of the US but with several iron brothers there so this started out as a help to them, soon I had much more friends and they referred me to others and it became a business but with the same spirit from the beginning. provide the best in the safest way to my iron brothers… you will find info about us as old as THIS out there yet. or Here   more recent

We have several warehouses, some in US and others intl., Only We carry well-known brand names, so much so that the manufacturer has protected the authenticity of their products with various codes and security holograms with which you can verify directly.
We have a unique style site, you will find a lot of sites with the same style and design, practically the same information but with other brands (unknown) claiming to be legitimate by third-party laboratory tests which is another fraud too, .. but assuming the test lab is legitimate,  it would not be smart to trust in the results test of samples sent by the source itself, he could send real samples for the test and then sell cheap garbage instead,    If in the legal market they cheat with that, what we can to expect in the illegal one…  


Our hosting location is not in the US or Europe, we are located in a country that has been denied access to US government agencies, it would also be permanently removed any info about order once it has reach the completed status.


Our main mission is to offer the best products under the strictest security measures, this is not Amazon or eBay, neither we are giving free t-shirts or stupid things like that, this is very serious and we assume it that way. 

Question: Why should I order from Aristimuqoh?

Comfort, you don’t have to worry about anything, we’ll take care of it. 

Smooth process, the best payment options, short time around.
Safety (This is our main goal)
The Best products.
Good prices.
Good communication.. 24/7
Solid reputation after more that 25 years in business.
Check out real reviews from sites where the reviews can not be bought.. Click  here

Regarding payment, If you are serious about buying gear online and you want to order from an US warehouse, you should know that a serious dealer won’t give any bank information openly and you should not use your bank information for your first purchases at least … you should use cryptocurrencies which are anonymous for security reasons.

All my life I have been a gym rat so I love my job!!    Over these years many obstacles have been overcome and now we are a professional team able to guarantee 100% success rate delivery of the best products  (Pharma grade  & UGL) with the same enthusiasm as 25 years ago.

  My thought about steroids is that it was made to make better human beings …  that’s the truth but there is a lot of interest in people not knowing the truth…  that interest wants to keep a mediocre human, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, a weak person prone to diseases… Everyone should have the freedom to choose what they want to do with their bodies, but not on the basis of bad publicity or demonizing any compound in order to promote others.

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